Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Green Tea could modify the effect of cigarette smoking on lung cancer risk

-Green Tea reduces the chance of smokers getting lung cancer

-Certain genes in the tea work against tumorgenisis

-Their are certain things and environmental factors that work against Carcinogenesis

-Drinking at least one cup a day can help fight against cancer

- Smoking puts at a higher risk of getting cancer

Reflection: I thought that this article was very informative. Now if I or someone I know ever gets lung cancer I know how to fight it. I think its interesting how something like drinking green tea can help someone to fight off cancer. Cancer is a very important topic and I think that everyone should learn about it, so that they can take preventative measures toward it. Most people will be or know at least one person that will be affected by a form of cancer. Cancer is one of the leading killers around the world and its important to learn about it.

Link: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/100112165108.htm

Picture: http://thequintessential.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/green-tea.jpg

Citation: American Association for Cancer Research. "Green Tea Could Modify the Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Lung Cancer Risk." ScienceDaily 13 January 2010. 19 May 2010 .

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