Sunday, May 16, 2010

Causes of Death in AIDS Patients

- Of the 11876 deaths that occured,50% of the people who had HIV eventually went on to die of Aids
-New research shows that Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) continues to dramatically reduce rates of mortality from HIV infection in high-income countries.
-Because deaths from AIDS decline with time for patients on ART, non-AIDS-related deaths exceeded AIDS deaths after patients had been taking ART for approximately four years.
-A prominant killer in patients was cancer
-Results imply that the process of aging will become a dominant factor in HIV mortality in the next decade.

Reflection: I thought that this article was interesting. It teaches you certain things about HIV, which in turn makes you want to do anything you can to prevent yourself from getting it. If theres one thing I took away from this article it was that HIV is extremely dangerous because it attacks your immune system. With a weak immune system you body is extremely susceptible to other virus and loses its ability to defend itself. We touched upon this in Bio class but its important to learn more about certain STD's because knowledge is Power. The more you know about them the more likely you are to protect yourself from them.



Citation: University of Bristol. "Causes of Death in AIDS Patients." ScienceDaily 29 April 2010. 16 May 2010 .

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