Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Expert Assesment: Embryonic Stem Cell Research Does Too Much Good to Be Evil, Says Janet Rowley

-With the ban on embryonic stem cell research being removed, a key barrier to research and discovery has been broken.
- Stem cell research is a true moral dilemma, but the behind it science offers a way to bring something good from a flawed situation
-It is the parents choice whether or not to donate the embryo
-There are some sort of guide lines when preforming stem cell research.
-Scientists cooperate with ethnic groups as well as patients when dealing with stem cells
-Stem cells researched for the greater good of the human population. It is used so doctors can better understand certain diseases so they can help their patients in a more effective way.

Reflection: I thought this article was interesting for multiple reasons. There is no question that stem cells research is one of the most controversial aspects of science these days, and that makes learning about it all the more interesting. I think that this article focuses on all the good that stem cell research does for the world, but I also agree that since stem cell research is being used to help people, and hopefully save lives in the future, it does more good than bad. Of course I realize that some stem cells come from babies, but if the parents were going to have an abortion anyway isn't it okay for the parents to donate it to help the future? Those are just my thoughts though.



Citation: Rowley, Janet. "Embryonic Stem Cell Research Does Too Much Good to Be Evil, Says Janet Rowley - US News and World Report." US News & World Report - Breaking News, World News, Business News, and America's Best Colleges - 3 Mar. 2009. Web. 20 May 2010. .

Related Articles:
-Leave Embryos Alone: Stem Cell Work Can Be Done Without Them, Says Tony Perkins:

-Stem Cell Research: some pros and cons:

Bias: I thought that this article was a little bit bias because it only really talked about the positive that embryonic stem cells do, and not the negative. I myself am a little biased though because I feel I support stem cell research. At first when I read the article I didnt think that it was bias at all, but I now realize that the article may have been a bit bias. It wasn't bias to the point where is was criticizing other points of view though, just bias enough to ignore the negative in stem cell research.

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